Friday, November 27, 2009

Positive Vibe

Tonight, as I finish watching the movie Serendipity I am reminded of a facebook message Daniel received from a former actress. Although her initial request was "different," it brought something to my attention. She wrote the following;

Happy Holidays to you and your sweetheart! You guys look so happy and cute! WIshing all the best and thanks for the positive vibe that comes from your pics and couple:)
I have a question...I'm sorry if I sound weird,but I hope you will have time to reply or maybe Amber will give me tips:) You're a Taurus and a Dragon. I don't know you well enough,but I have the best opinion about you and you seem like you're always super focused on work, loyal,nice to people, but at the same time pretty much keep it to yourself and very serious about your relationship as well.

What's the best way to be a super girl for a Taurus-Dragon? I know we all different and all,but like what is the most valuable and things not to do to push "Taurus/Dragon" away))))) I'm writing this and laughing hard

I wanted to answer this, in my opinion....

Daniel has a brilliant mind, we all know that. He has natural talent, but he knows he still has to work hard and to gain contacts and respect from different kinds of people. He really is tolerate of everyone. Loyal to myself, his family, and his friends. Every day he try's his hardest to make his life worth being alive, no matter what it involves. But I think what really makes us enjoy life and our relationship is we never take hardships too seriously. Sometimes when we are together we act junior high aged. We stay in the boundaries of being responsible. And now I am having difficulty trying to explain it....

When you first meet someone, you are always trying to show them your good aspects of being human. We try to smile more, not take things so seriously, always look our best, etc. But being human is being perfect. So we can't expect one another to always be happy, always look like a "million dollars." I know I have had my days where I felt like it was the end of the world, but after we have got to are lowest points, the only other way is up. So now after four years of being together, just knowing that he is still standing by my side and I support everything he does. And how easily he can put a smile on my face or vice versa. It's about finding that positive vibe and never taking things too serious in a relationship. There is no reason to get angry or fight over uncooked or burnt cookies. No reason to yell if the other forgot something important. Things happen, real love doesn't let them get in the way. We work hard to achieve whatever makes us happy. And supporting Daniel & what can be a very uncertain film business- well I wouldn't have it any other way. :-)

((Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday, Daniel))

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

One of a Kind Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!*~

Like I mention in the previous blog, we started a new Thanksgiving tradition. We woke up to begin our adventure with the adventurous filmmaking of Robert Zemeckis and The Polar Express. Amber had never seen the film but like Daniel had grown up with book. Although the book was expanded upon with multiple scenes of train-racing excitement, the film succeeded at starting up our engines for the day. We did however need to complete some cleaning of the living area and running of some forgotten errands, most notably to Meijer for some paper towels and gift boxes. Because Thanskgiving activities with the family will take up most of the actual Thanksgiving day tomorrow, we decided to have our own special meal today. What was the meal, you ask? Brinner! A.K.A, breakfast-for-dinner! Bacon was the first course, although our new griddle made them either burned or severely under-cooked. Scrambled cheesy eggs for Daniel were actually made to perfection, thanks to a quick Googling of the recipe beforehand. Cheesy smokey-links were baked in the oven, although in the end they were a little too strong tasting to jive succesfully with the rest of the meal. Bannanas were unwrapped, sliced, and covered in sugar. Hash browns were attempted, but trying to cook all of them at once in a short amount of time made them mushy and not very edible. Finally, some blueberry eggos were thrown in the toaster and delightfully enjoyed. For our beverages, Daniel had a tall glass of milk. In addition, we both sipped on small glasses of Fuzzy Navels, or orange juice with a dash of peach schnapps. Were definitely going to be that couple who makes lots of cooking mistakes on their early journey through adulthood, so thank goodness for emergency restaraunts such as Steak N' Shake and pizza!

Our next activity was putting together our first tree as a couple! The previous day, we went to the luxurious Wal-Mart and bought a bargain-hunters delight of a 6' tree for only $20. But surprisingly enough, the tree came together nicely and looked wonderful. We decorated the tree with many of Daniel's Batman ornaments that had been collected over the years, then polished off with special ornaments that we picked out together in the previous weeks. Silver balls and white snowflakes filled in the gaps, while special ornaments of each's choosing were dotted here and there; Amber hung glittery ornaments such as a random blue key and many colorful phrases such as "HOHOHO" and "BELIEVE". Daniel picked put a special Christmas bird to hide towards the top. Finally, it was finished with a bright star on top and 200 white lights. We also hung up our first purchased stockings, highlighted with the a silver pinned "A" for Amber and "D" for Daniel. They will be filled on Christmas Eve night with each of eachother's favorite holiday candies.
In the evening, we snuggled up in our newly bought holiday pj's (seen above) and watched some more holiday movies. Daniel picked out Lindsay's favorite "Prancer", a definite tear jerker! Then they watched a new inspirational film called "The Christmas Cottage," telling the story of a young Thomas Kinkade and his town's Christmas in 1977. Alhtough it felt like more of a "tv movie" with some random and dry parts, it ended with an inspirational message of cherishing one's creativity and humility! Then we made another quick dash to the video store to return some movies. Now we are ending our night with the our new-traditional Thanksgiving film of "Love Actually." We look forward to spending quality time with our family over this year's holiday season! Once again, happy Thanksgiving! This is Amber and Daniel signing off, reminding all of you to take time to enjoy one another's company and love eachother to the fullest!

Monday, November 16, 2009

I am writing to inform you of what has been talked about and what for sure is coming up for Daniel & I.

Wedding planning has been very much put on hold. Not knowing where Daniel will be headed has kept my parents from deciding on a budget, and the same goes for even coming up with what we really want. I mention every so often on another game plan. I am not like every other girl, I do not want a fantasy over done wedding, I want a marriage. I want to know that no matter how busy Daniel & I can get during the day, that at night we'll always come together. We've don't mind the idea of having a very intimate ceremony with just our family. We would rather spend the money to visit Europe. We also do not know what kind of job Daniel will have after he graduates and I will go where he goes. We also don't want to be apart for months. I think the plan is for him to find a job, move out there, then for me to start looking for a job out there & when prospects seem good, then we could start planning that intimate wedding with just a few weeks notice.

But anyways...

This Thanksgiving will be the first Thanksgiving Daniel & I will actually get to spend some time together. We are going to be starting a new tradition that we will carry out once we are married. Daniel, as many of you know, does not like turkey. For the past few years his mom has had to make him grilled cheese on the occasion. This year we will be having Brinner (breakfast food for dinner). This year since we are still close to family will be celebrating being thankful for each other the day before Thanksgiving. We plan on shopping, baking, & setting up our very first Christmas tree next Wednesday! We both are really looking forward to it! On thanksgiving we will be seeing his Dad's side of the family in Carmel, then doing another helping at my house. Hopefully I will have time for a nap, because most likely I will be working the night shift. Stay tuned for our Thanksgiving blog with pictures!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Beginning of the Holidays*

Halloween was last week, and Daniel & I finally one with some tradition. The first year we met, I worked on Halloween. It was was also the first night that my parents met him, he was dressed up with Tyler has the brothers of Boondock Saints. I remember my mother asking me after he left if the tattoos were real!
The following year (our senior year), I ended up ill and went home during my first class. I was Batgirl, and he was the Joker, but at that time we were having issues. So it was me trying to look good in a Batgirl suit ;-)

Of course we weren't able to be together our Freshman year in college. I am not sure what he did that evening, but I attended a college party
dressed up like a bubble bee*

Sophomore year we celebrated Halloween in California. Daniel did have a film set that weekend, so we had no big plans. He did put together a nurse joker costume from the Dark Knight movie. It turned out amazing! So he was dressed up while we carved fake pumpkins that we still have today.

So this this year we were both in the same state & knew our friend Alyssa would be having a party to celebrate her 21st birthday. Daniel allowed me to pick what we wanted to be, so as soon as I saw a french girl costume I had to be it. Pictured below is our costumes, we had a great Halloween! It will be the start of many more to come~ next year we'll have to do pumpkins too!!*~